Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week 2: Review

Never be afraid to try something new, Its the only way you'll find out of you like it!
Check out Class announcements
To any STEM major out there ASK (Alpha Sigma Kappa, women in technical studies) Is doing a spring rush this semester. We are a great group of girls all trying to help each other out and succeed. There is a rush event this Wednesday, January 27th. The event is Burts and Blotts, held in Deven Energy Hall from 5-7pm. 
The engineer's club is also having their Winter Ball this weekend! Go Support and have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these announcements, Ashlie! Got it! And the Winter Ball poster will be fun to have in the announcements. Congratulations on being done with Week 2 already!!! :-)
