Monday, January 18, 2016

Learning Challenges

eudaimonia happiness and wellbeing
 According to New World Encyclopedia, Eudemonism is an ethical theory which maintains that happiness (eudaimonia) is reached through virtue (aretê). To modern day English now happiness and virtue can be seen as two very different things. New World Encyclopedia also mentions, Eudaimonia, which literally means "having a good guardian spirit," is often translated into English as "happiness." All ancient ethical theorists understand eudaimonia to be the highest human good, but they differ from one another regarding how to achieve it in its relation to aretê (virtue). To learn more about what eudaemonism meant in the Renaissance time you can looking to Aristol's Ethics or Plato's Eudaemonia. Both of these philosophers had a deep understand of eudaemonia and its meaning. 

I find it very important to be happy in life. When someone is truly happy emotionally, mentally, and physically they will simply enjoy life more. When someone is doing what they enjoy they will find it easier to learn. When it is easier to learn it will bring happiness. When someone is sad or depressed in life they tend to struggle with everything. They are in search for that happiness to feel whole again.  

Photo found on flicker

Heart and Happiness are key factors in my life for living the life I want. If I am happy and healthy I will be content with life. Lately in my life I have been trying to always focus on the positive side of things.  I have learned that I have an incredible amount that I am thankful for. I have also learned that no matter how bad the situation there is always a positive side. If I focus on that positivity I can make my way through any challenges I may face. 

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