Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 4: Reading Diary: Birth of Siddhartha

I choose to highlight the Story Birth of Siddhartha because it is the begging of the great Buddha being born. In this story, Maya the soon mother to be of Siddhartha knew here baby was about to be born. This was no ordinary with to be though. When Maya knew her baby was on the way the whole kingdom was being prepared. Everything was ordered to be of great beauty and lavished with flowers and jewels.

As the baby was born joy spread throughout the kingdom. Flowers blossomed, birds sang, swans throbbed in the air. Not only did more beauty strike but the poor became of the wealth, the wicked were cleansed of evil, the weak became strong, and the sky filled with light. This baby would be the one to see the truth.
Birth of Buddha

In the story before this, Maya's Dream she was sent a dream telling of the baby she would bear. In the dream she was informed that this baby would be a Buddha. The same thing happened but not to quit high intensity of joy being spread throughout the kingdom. The story told of how Maya became the veneration. She was able to give sight to the blind, cure the sick, and give the def back their hearing. All was well and joyful in the kingdom.

Story From: This story is part of the Buddha unit. Story source: The Life of Buddha by Andre Ferdinand Herold. (1922).

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