Saturday, February 20, 2016

Learning Challenge: Find A Favorite Reading Meme

Learning Challenge: From Learn by H.E.A.R.T
Reading meme

I almost choose not to do this challenge because I was having a hard time finding a reading meme that really caught my attention. Then I found this one that says, reading is dreaming with open eyes. I paused for a moment then had to 100% agree. I had never thought of it in that way before. 

When you read a book you just have you wide open imagination to picture the story being told. Exactly like in a dream but your eyes are open. You are able to see the characters in your own way, along with the details around them. 

Whenever I have read a book then the movie comes out, I am always shocked by the appearances from the movie. They always end up so different from how I originally pictured them in my mind while reading the book. I think it's always interesting. (The book is always better than the movies) The characters are the ones who end up being the most different. Which I can understand because it's hard to find the best actor that matched the book description perfectly. Yet, even when it comes down to the scene or landscape from the book to the movie is significantly different. I can only imagine what its like for everyone else. Or maybe it's just me who pictures things differently. I find that unlikely, though. Everyone has such a fascinating mind that works in its own unique way. 

Now, I will be dreaming of the day and night! #read

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