Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thoughts about Comments

Thanks to everyone who has left comments on my blog stories and introduction. It's interesting to see what people have in common with me. It is also very helpful as a writer to know how readers see your story.

The most helpful comments I have received are ones that let me know what I could do better to make the story a better read. For example, I used to have a few very large paragraphs. Now, after getting comments, I have learned that more small paragraphs make for an easier read.

Along with the past weeks feedback project on learning to comment using WWW, wow, I wonder and what if? These have not only help me comment on others stories but helped me write better stories as well. I always ask myself these questions when writing. I try to make my stories interesting and give good detail. I also enjoy when people ask what if questions. It gives me great ideas for future story writing or even idea to rewrite the story in that perspective.

Ask Questions

In my opinion, a good comment with have positive as well as negative (something to work on) feedback. I know some people don't want to be rude or sound like they are trying to put down a story. For me though I take criticism well and would like to know if there is anything that could improve my posts.

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