Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 7: Reading Diary, Continued: Notch, Son of Li Dsing.

The second half of the reading was a continued story of Sun Wu Kung. My favorite story from the second half was Notch, Son of Li Dsing. This story was intense and exciting to read. It was a battle I was waiting for to happen. I also think this story is when a greater plan takes place.

In the previous story, Sun Wu Kung was summoned to Heaven. The Lord of Heavens apointed his as stablemaster. When first reading this story my thought was that this was to keep Sun Wu Kung out of trouble. He was first brought up to Heaven because he was becoming a rather evil dictator. Sun Wu Kung had too much power for his own good you could say. In heaven, the time was different than on earth. Sun Wu Kung soon found out that stablemaster was not a high authority position and became infuriated. He left the HEaven and went back to his apes. They through him a feast and welcomed him back.

Once the Lord of Heavens found out about Sun Wu Kung's absence he sent Notscha for him. He wanted Sun Wu Kung to be captured and put in prison. This is when the battle took place. There was shapeshifting involved as well as trickier. It kept me close to the story and on edge. In the end, Sun Wu Kung was too much. He was too strong to be beaten in battle. Then the Evening Star came into the story. It was said that no one was a match for Sun Wu Kung.

After the Lord and the Evening, star confessed they decided they would have to take in Sun Wu Kung another way. They had to be smarter than he was since they couldn't beat him in battle. They came up with the idea to give him an empty title of Great Saint.

After reading this story I was left wondering what would happen left. Most of the other stories kind of mellowed out and they just started back up into a new story. This story though left you with a hook at the end. It made me jump into the next story to find out what would happen. I was left asking myself, what was the master plan? Where are they going to capture him? Or would Sun Wu Kung be too powerful and take over the Heavens?

The Heavens: Wikipedia

Story Scourse: Part of The Monkey King Unit. Story source: The Ape Sun Wu Kung in The Chinese Fairy Book, by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (1921).

Week 7: Reading Diary: The Dragon-King

I have chosen to highlight the story of The Dragon-King as well as The Dragon-Queen.

Before I read this story I expected a much different outcome. Usually, when I think of Dragons I think of intense, strong, magnificent beats. Yet in this story, they aren't much of any of those. At least, it's not described. I had made a guess that the Dragon-King would be one to fight the great Sun Wu Kung. Instead there was no fighting at all.

Sun Wu Kung was on a mission to find a weapon that would suit him. So he traveled to the Dragon-King.  The first weapons presented to Sun Wu Kung he was unpleased with or said they were to light. Even though these weapons weighed thousands of pounds. At the end of this story, the Dragon-King is left frightened by Sun Wu Kung. The story continues with the Dragon-Queen.  The Dragon-Queen had come out and mentioned that the iron bar was lying in their sea. It was also glowing which meant it was ready to be taken. The Dragon-King was arguing this. He mentioned that it was the rod the Great Yu used to order the waters and determine the depth of the sea. The King thought it couldn't be taken away. Then the Queen convinced the King to let Sun Wu Kung see it.

This is where that story became exciting and more interesting to read. When Sun Wu Kung first approached the rod it was far too heavy and large to move. He simply wished it was shorter and thinner. Then the rod became shorter and thinner! The rod would adjust size and weight with his commands. It was magical. This was a weapon than would suit Sun Wu Kung.

Dragon-King By: Combpank on Deviant Art

I found this story interesting to read because I couldn't guess what was going to happen. It always kept me hooked with the next action. I was also fascinated by such a weapon. The things you could accomplish with such a weapons are unlimited. After reading these two stories I kept asking myself how is he able to control this rod? Will someone try to take it from him? I think a good story is one that always has you asking questions. It keeps the reader excited and interested in the story. It is also more interesting when you guess wrong. The reader is then caught by surprise and interest in what will happen instead.

Review Week 6

The semester is going by already done with week 6! I am feeling better about how my storybook is coming along. I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

I went to a yoga class this morning and I think this picture from the class announcements fit really well to wrap up my week.

To connect the dots in different ways you should free your mind and be creative. This can also help with writing.

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Learning Challenge: Article: Why attitude is more important than intelligence

Attitude over Intelligence 

An article by, Travis Bradberry titled: Why attitude is more important than intelligence. I found this article in the growth mindset challenges, under the growth mindset links

This research was conducted from Standford University by psychologist Carol Dweck. Like other articles from Dweck, it is discussed that there are two mindsets. 
1. fixed mindset
2. growth mindset 
If you have a growth mindset you believe you can always improve. The key to having a growth mindset is all in how you react to handling setbacks and challenges. People with a growth mindset will welcome these with open arms. Dweck says, " success in life is all about how you deal with failure." 

People with a growth mindset would respond with something like: 
"Failure is information- we label its failure, but it's more like This didn't work, and I'm a problem solver, so I'll try something else" (Article) 
The second half of this article talks about strategies that can help fine tune to a growth mindset. 

Don't stay helpless
Be passionate
Take Action 
Go the extra mile
Expect results 
Be  flexible
Don't complain if things go wrong 

When something goes wrong simply learns from the mistake and move on. You can not change the past. You can work on a brighter future. Avoid the feeling of being helpless. You are making a change in yourself every day. What you ay lack in talent you can always make up for with passion. To find out what really drives you write down 25 things you feel passionate about. Then cross out the bottom 20. You will be left with your top 5. Let that drive you! People who have a growth mindset are empowered. "Empowered people know that there's no such thing as a truly perfect moment to move forward." (article) This is why you much take action.  Take all your worries and concerns and cover them up with positive actions. You must give it your all, go that extra mile. Allow no limits and no excuses. Keep going till you reach the top, then go even farther and discover a new top. When you expect results you keep yourself motivate to reach them. You never know when something might go wrong or an unexpected object interfere. So like they say just roll with the punches and be flexible. A fixed mindset is one that will complain. With a growth mindset, you will find an opportunity in everything. No more complaining
Like the famously known quote, "It's the little things in life." Is all you need to do is focus on practising on all these little things and the big picture will fall together. Work hard every day and keep an open mind. The only thing stopping you from your dreams is the bull$#*!! stories you keep telling yourself. So tell yourself you can and you will! 

Week 6: Reading Diary, Extra: Thunder and Anansi

I choose to highlight the story, Thunder and Anansi from the Africa Unit.

I enjoyed reading this story because it was always catching me off guard. I was always guessing what would happen next and never guessed right. I like it when this happened. Who likes a predictable story? Okay, maybe some people do. I also enjoyed that in the end Anansi got exactly what he deserved.

To sum up the story real quick here is what happened: 

Anansi was a father and husband and very hungry. He went out searching for food and found a tree with nuts up in it. He was lucky to find a boat and get to the bottom of the tree. Once he was at the top of the tree he dropped the nuts down to the boat. Every single nut had missed the boat through and fell into the water. Anansi couldn't go home empty handed so he dove down into the water. Once he arrived at the bottom he came to Thunder's cottage. Thunder had sympathy for this man so he sent him home with a magical pot. This magical pot would make a great meal for him and his family. Anansi was pleased and started to head home with the pot.

This is when he grew greedy and choose to keep the pot for himself. He didn't want the magic to run out. As time went on he got more plum and more plum. His family became thinner and thinner. The family knew something was up and found the pot Anansi had hidden. His wife was not greedy and brought the pot to feed everyone in the village. The pot ran out of magic though and was ruined.

Then Anansi found out and went back to Thunder's cottage. He returned with a stick this time that started to beat him for his greedy acts.

Overall, I think the story had a great lesson. It tells how when one makes an act out of greed it will come back at you. Otherwise known as karma. Anansi was given the pot because he was always out working hard hunting for food. Then he didn't want to work anymore and kept the pot all to himself. He went with his family and let them go hungry. The story was also entertaining and interesting to read.

Nuts in a tree From Wikipedia 

Story Source: From West African Folktales by William H. Barker and Cecilea Sinclair (1917)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 6: Storytelling: Smoke

In the forests of India lived a young snake named Smoke. Smoke was a piercing black king cobra. Smoke's family of cobras were known to other animals as deadly and dangerous. The other animals kept their distance to stay safe. Smoke, on the other hand was not as mean and violent as the rest of his family.

Souce: Youtube-deadliest animals 

One day smoke was out and about roaming the forest grounds.  Smoke arrived at the river he had seen a human on the other side. Humans are not meant to be in this part of the forest. This was the darkest and deepest part of the forest where no human ever ventured into. 

Smoke was a curious snake so he made his way across the river to get a closer look at this human. Smoke was somewhat admiring this human that he had made it so far into the forest. He was a strong man with dark black hair and a full grown beard. He wore all black and carried a sheath on his side that held a sword. The end of the sword had a snake head engraved on it with black diamonds as snakes eyes. 

The man started to walk upstream of the river and Smoke followed. The man began to talk to himself so Smoke listened. The man was headed to find his lover, she had been kidnapped. Clearly Smoke believed the man because he was in the dark forest. Smoke knew no man ever dared to go through the dark forest. 

Smoke knew he couldn't let his family harm this man or take his life. He wanted the man to find his lover and rescue her. Smoke decided to help this man through the dark forest. The king cobras were not the only creatures you needed to worry about in this forest. There were also black panthers that hide high up in the trees. 

Dark Forest
Found on Flickr by Craig Cloutier

Smoke was keeping a close eye on the man and was impressed by how well the man noticed his surroundings. Yet, the man was not looking up into the trees. Smoke knew the panthers hide there though and spotted one up ahead.  Smoke had to do something so he took off and headed up the tree. Right as the panther was about to leap down onto the man Smoke sprung from the branch he was on and began wrapping his body around the panther. The panther and Smoke fell to the ground right in front of the man. The man quickly grabbed his sword and stabbed the panther through the heart. Smoke uncoiled himself from the panther and was staring at the man. They both paused and no one moved. The man was hesitant but also took off sprinting. Smoke felt a sense of relief then took off after the man. 

Smoke caught up to him and found him near a small waterfall. This was no average waterfall though. It was the spiders waterfall. One bite would kill any man. Smoke snuck up close to the man and checked for any spiders. He looked around but couldn't see any. Then he looked up and saw about a hundred spiders hanging from their webs right above the man. Smoke had never had to worry about being bit by one of them. His scales were too thick and strong for any creature to bit. Smoke made his way to the top of the waterfall then in one swift motion leaped from the top and caught all the webs the spiders were hanging from. The spiders were no longer hanging over the man, he was safe. 

When Smoke had snatched up all the spiders the man had been looking down in the water. The man saw Smoke flying above him in the reflection of the water. The man thought the snake was following him and became anxious. 

The man got up from drinking the water and slowly started walking again. Smoke noticed and quickly followed behind him. The man and Smoke were almost out of the dark forest. Smoke was starting to feel very pleased and happy the man was going to make it. Then, all of a sudden the man fell. Smoke slithered up ahead and found the man in a pit of quicksand. Smoke began to panic because he could not fight back with quicksand. It was just as dangerous to Smoke as it was to the man. Once again Smoke looked up and a branch hung directly above the pit of sand. Smoke made his way up and curled his tail around the branch. 

Smoke slowly lowered himself down and bit onto the back of the man's jacket. The man did not notice until he felt himself being lifted up. The man had though the Smoke was about to eat him as soon as he pulled him out of the quicksand. Smoke had pulled him out and set him on the branch next to him. All of a sudden the branch broke. Smoke fell in the pit of quick sand. The man looked down at Smoke and climbed down the tree. Smoke was trying as hard as he could to get out but he was falling fast. Once the man got out he ran the side of the pit and pulled out his sword. He swung it right at Smoke.  The sword stopped right before it hit Smoke. Smoke look at it and it was the handle of the sword, the snakes head.

The man was saving Smoke. Smoke grabbed on and the man pulled him out then set his sword down on the ground. Smoke crawled off then looked at the man. The man looked back and said thank you snake. The man had pointed his sword at Smoke and motioned for him to crawl up. Smoke accepted and crawled up onto the man's shoulders.The two finished their journey through the dark forest and found and saved the girl. 

Authors Note: I generated this story from reading,  How the Raven Saved the Hunter. In this story, a man was about to drink from a poisonous river. Then a raven swooped down and stopped him. At first, the man thought it was a mistake. Then it happened again, this time, the man was a bit upset. One last time the man tried to drink the water and the raven stopped him once more. This time, the man was very mad and killed the raven. After the man was curious and thought maybe the raven did not want the man to drink the water. So the man hiked to the head of the river and saw the water coming from a snakes mouth. The water was poison then the man felt terrible for killing the raven. 

I got the snake (Smoke) idea from the water coming from the snakes head. I wanted to chance the main plot of the story be instead of killing the animal (raven) they became friends. The man in the forest realized that smoke was trying to save him. So instead of not noticing before it was too late and killing him, they became friends. 

I choose the forest in India because it is one of the places king cobras live. I also like to change the scenery in my stories from the original. 

From the Tibetan Folktales unit, Tibetan Fold Tales by A.L. Shelton (1925) Story: How the Raven Saved the Hunter
Info on the king cobra found on

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Review: Week 5

Who doesn't love a good movie? Who also doesn't love a good horror film? 
Ok, so maybe not a lot of people but if you do check out this photo. Then after you do that check out the class announcement. Just remember summer comes after this semester! Work hard! 

United States of Horror Movies
Source: Daily Class Announcements

Learning Challenge: Find A Favorite Reading Meme

Learning Challenge: From Learn by H.E.A.R.T
Reading meme

I almost choose not to do this challenge because I was having a hard time finding a reading meme that really caught my attention. Then I found this one that says, reading is dreaming with open eyes. I paused for a moment then had to 100% agree. I had never thought of it in that way before. 

When you read a book you just have you wide open imagination to picture the story being told. Exactly like in a dream but your eyes are open. You are able to see the characters in your own way, along with the details around them. 

Whenever I have read a book then the movie comes out, I am always shocked by the appearances from the movie. They always end up so different from how I originally pictured them in my mind while reading the book. I think it's always interesting. (The book is always better than the movies) The characters are the ones who end up being the most different. Which I can understand because it's hard to find the best actor that matched the book description perfectly. Yet, even when it comes down to the scene or landscape from the book to the movie is significantly different. I can only imagine what its like for everyone else. Or maybe it's just me who pictures things differently. I find that unlikely, though. Everyone has such a fascinating mind that works in its own unique way. 

Now, I will be dreaming of the day and night! #read

Friday, February 19, 2016

Week 6: Reading Diary, Continued: How the Raven Saved the Hunter

From the second half of this weeks reading unit: Tibetan Folk Tales, I want to highlight the story, How the Raven Saved the Hunter

This was one of the shorter stories but it held a strong meaning. The Tibetan proverb for this tale was, "For a foolish official to speak skillful words is as difficult as for lighting to split a lump of bronze." 

In this story, a man was out in the mountains and grew thirsty. He had a cup and filled it with the water from the river. Right as he was about to drink this water a raven came rushing down and took the cup. At first, the man thought it was just by accident. He didn't think much of it at all. Then the man went to fill another cup from the river and the same thing happened. This time, the man was curious and getting annoyed by the raven. For a third time, the same thing happened and the man was not furious with the raven. The man took out his weapon and killed the raven. 

Now the man had not taken the time to think before he took action. After he had already killed the raven he stopped to think. He though that this happened three times it was no coincidence but intentional. Maybe the raven didn't want me to drink the water. Now curious the man decided to walk upstream to see where the water came from. Once he got to the top the water was coming from the mouth of a giant snake and around it lay many dead animals, skulls and bones. 

For now, the man felt foolish and hurt by his actions. He had killed the raven when the raven was trying to save his life. 

Raven Picture by, Creative Commons Attribution
The lesson from this story is to think about your actions before taking them. You shouldn't just act off of anger or one specific emotion. It counts to take the time and get the rest of the story. It may also help to stop and ask questions. 

When I was young I always thought that my way was the best way. My dad, on the other hand, was very specific about how he wanted things done. As I have grown up I have realized that certain things are done in specific ways for a reason. The reason could be to prevent injury such as stretching before a game. The reason could also be due to a past experience when something went wrong. For example, when unhitching a trailer, you should place blocked under the wheels so it doesn't roll back. I am sure before this was ever done a trailer was left wth no block and rolled away. It is always a good idea to take a step back from things and try to see the big picture. 

Story Source: Part of the Tibetan Folktales unit, Tibetan Folk Tales by A.L. Shelton with illustrations by Mildred Bryant (1925). 

Week 6: Reading Diary: How the Fox Fell a Victim to His Own Deceit

This week's reading was from Unit: Tibetan Folktales.

I liked that at the beginning of every story there was a Tibetan proverb. In other words the moral or lesson of the story. From the first reading assignment, my favorite story was, How the Fox Fell a Victim to His Own Deceit.

In this story, there is a mother tiger who has a cub. The mother tiger was out one day and found a young fox, she decided to bring the fox as a playmate for her cub. The two became friends and play together every day. Another day the other tiger was out and found a young calf, she did the same and brought him home as another playmate.
Calf: By,Pezibear on pixabay

This is where the story gets interesting. The fox grows jealous of the calf and things everyone loves him more. Shortly after the mother grows ill. Before she passes she tells her son and the calf, " Although you are not of the same father and mother, yet you are brothers. I don't want you to ever quarrel, but to live happily here together, and if anyone should tell you lies don't pay any attention to them, but always be friends."

Tiger, Tiger Baby, Tigerfamile, Young, Family
Mother and Cub: By, Sponchia on pixabay

The fox came up with a plan to turn the tiger cub and calf against each other. Every morning the calf would be jumping around. While the tiger rested. This is when the fox came up to the tiger and told him that the calf was gaining his strength by jumping around to kill the tiger one day. From that day on the tiger and calf became enemies. The tiger kept a close watch on the calf. 

Then my favorite part of the story, one day the calf came up to the tiger and simply asked why he wanted to kill him. The tiger told him that the fox said you were trying to kill me. The two they found out that neither wanted to kill each other and the fox had tricked them. The two had regained their true friendship and came up with a plan to rebutle against the fox. 

The calf and the cub decided they would fake fight and have to fox watch. When they began to fight the fox got close enough that the tiger jumped onto him and killed him. Just like their mother had told the two, never let a lie come between you brothers. 

The Tibetan proverb for this story was, "Between the official and his people is confidence if the headman is skillful." 

What I took from this story is the bond between two true friends can never be broken. No matter what comes between them they will always find a way back to each other. 

Story Source: Part of the Tibetan Folktales unit, Tibetan Folk Taled by A.L. Shelton with illustrations by Mildred Bryant (1925). 

Week 5: Reading Diary, Extra: Lagoo, the Story-Teller

Lagoo. Source: Form the unit reading

I choose the reading from Unit: American Indian Fairy Tales.

Lagoo was known to be so wise that no one else could compare to him. Lagoo could understand the language of the animals and knew the secrets of the woods. He was also a huge fan to the children. He would make necklaces from shells for little girls. For the boys, he would help them make bows and arrows. He was most famous to the children for the stories he told. Lagoo could also answer all their questions they had asked; who, when why and where.

This was the first story to the unit, it follows with the story of the North wind then continues with clouds and stars. Each story is told my Lagoo the wise one.

I choose this section for more inspiration to my storybook, Cherokee myths. I also enjoy learning about the Indian ways. I liked how the introduction,  Lagoo, the Story-Teller was the introduction for this unit. It gave a good setting to the unit. For my storybook, I am doing something similar. So I found this unit's reading helpful. I think that the more details you give in the introduction the better image it sets in the readers mind.

Fire, Night, Rock, Ritual, Seminar, Wilderness
Indian Fire Photo By; LaughingRaven on Pixabay
I have gathered that it is very popular for Indians to gather around the fireplace to tell stories. In the story Lagoo,  the Story-Teller, winter was the prime time for storytelling. In many creation stories of Native Americans fire was not always on earth or at easy access. Such as the myth of The First Fire, by the Cherokee Indians. Indian are believers that each and everything creature on earth is important and had a job. They also are very close to earth and its element. 

I enjoy reading and learning about Indians and their myths because it is not the cultural norm of today. Today most things evolve around electricity, technology and money. If you read this Indian myth they didn't need any of those things. They lived on the earth and only the earth. They were self-sustaining. I appreciate the way they looked at the world and gave back to it what it gave to them.    I am also a fan of animals and I think it would be interesting to go back in the old times of the Indians when they held very close relationships with animals. There is also another myth on the creation of medicine. This myth is called, Origin Of Disease and Medicine also from the Cherokee. It tells how there was an imbalance with the humans and animals so the animals brought thickness to the humans. The humans had also been kind and loving towards the plants, though. So in return, the plants offered them medicine from their leaves, berried and herbs. Anything the Indians needed they could find naturally on earth. 

Story from: American Indian Fairy Tales unit. Sorce: American Indian Fairy Tales by W.T. Larner, with illustrations by John Rae (1921).

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thoughts about Comments

Thanks to everyone who has left comments on my blog stories and introduction. It's interesting to see what people have in common with me. It is also very helpful as a writer to know how readers see your story.

The most helpful comments I have received are ones that let me know what I could do better to make the story a better read. For example, I used to have a few very large paragraphs. Now, after getting comments, I have learned that more small paragraphs make for an easier read.

Along with the past weeks feedback project on learning to comment using WWW, wow, I wonder and what if? These have not only help me comment on others stories but helped me write better stories as well. I always ask myself these questions when writing. I try to make my stories interesting and give good detail. I also enjoy when people ask what if questions. It gives me great ideas for future story writing or even idea to rewrite the story in that perspective.

Ask Questions

In my opinion, a good comment with have positive as well as negative (something to work on) feedback. I know some people don't want to be rude or sound like they are trying to put down a story. For me though I take criticism well and would like to know if there is anything that could improve my posts.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week 5: Storytelling

Authors Note: This week's story was based on the origin story of The Lion and the Hare. The original story is about a Lion who takes over a forest and is eating all the other animals. Then one day they decided to tell the lion he was too mighty to have to catch all his food so they would bring it to him. From that day on the animals would gather and decide who would sacrifice themselves to the lion. One day it was the hare's turn to be sacrificed but he was not willing to die. So he came up with a plan and told the other animals he will get rid of the lion of good and solve the problem. So he tricked the lion into believing there was another lion by making him look down into a well filled with water. The lion saw his reflection, thinking it was anther lion and jumped into the well.

For my story, I wanted to do my best to really change it up. I also added the plot twist of the Lion and the Hare becoming friends. This story also reminds me of The Lion King. This is how I came up with the idea of the lion cub getting lost and the hare finding him and becoming friends. Kind of like Timon and Pumbaa. Then when the lion and the outsider lion found each other and they are brothers, that idea was when Nala found Simba.

I also decided to add my authors note first to see how my readers would respond. If it gives them a better image inter mind before they start reading the story.

Nash and Klee

One early morning an adventurous lion club decided he would go out on a journey. He ventured so far and did not realize how long he had been gone until night started to fall. This is also when the lion cub noted he was far from him homeland. He began to get worried and scared, as well as hungry. The cub did not want to travel in the dark so he started to look for shelter for the night. Along the way, the cub found a bush of berries and jumped straight into the middle of them with joy. As the cub was munching away on the berry bush he hears a little rustle in the bush next to him. He crouched down and crawled under the bushes when he found a baby rabbit.

File:Lion cub at Samburu.jpg
Nash by the bushes 

"Hey! My names Nash, what's your name?" The cub said with excitement.

The baby rabbit jumped straight into the air then fell back down but before the rabbit ran off Nash spoke to him once more. "Wait! I won't hurt you. I am lost and very far from home. I was starving until I found these berries looking for a place to sleep through the night. I am scared myself. I have never been alone this long before. Please help me."

The rabbit replied, "Hi Nash, my name is Klee. Sorry, I almost ran away but you are a lion and lions eat rabbits. Thanks for not eating me. I live just around these bushes. You can sleep here for the night, it's a safe place from the rest of the jungle."

That night Nash and Klee curled up side by side and sleep sound through the night. When they felt the warmth from the sun on their backs they woke up in search to find Nash's homeland. They searched for many days, turning into many weeks.  Along the way, they encountered challenging tasks, escaped vicious beasts, and made it into deadly territory.

File:Lion cub in rock cleft.JPG
Nash out on an adventure 

What Nash and Klee didn't see though was that they also become the greatest of friends thought their journey. The two would always have each others back. Nash would be the muscle and power. The Klee would be the smart and sneaky one. The two made a great team together and became a brother. Eventually, they gave up the search form Nash's homeland. Not necessary because they couldn't find it but because Nash had found a new homeland with Klee.

As time went by Nash was no longer a little cub. He was a full grow Lion; his mane flourished in the wind, he muscles were massively built, his teeth were as sharp as blades, and his skills were like no one had ever seen before. Nash had grown to be the king of this jungle and no one dared to get in his was or even think about touching Klee and his family.

Nash grew up 
Nash was well respected by all the animals in the jungle and was a great king. He kept peace with all the creatures. He even set a rule for himself that he would not hunt in his homeland he would travel outside the boundaries to do so.

One day Nash was out for a hunt and Klee was out adventuring on his own. Looking for spots him and Nash could play in when he returned from his hunt. Klee had found an old castle on the outskirts of the jungle and went in to explore. Klee didn't know it at the time but he was being watched. There was another lion, an outsider that was tracking Klee. A small bird flying up above had seen this lion come into the jungle and flew to find Nash.

As soon as the bird found Nash traveling back from his hunt he swooped down and told him what he had seen. In fear from his brother Klee, Nash bolted to the old castle the bird described.

Back at the old castle, the outsider was just about to pounce onto Klee when Nash jumped into the outsider in the nick of time. The two lions were at battle in a furious fight. Roars broke out and filled the jungle. The other animals hear and came rushing to see what was happening. The outsider and Nash were tearing apart what was remaining of the castle. Bricks were breaking and clouds of dust gathered around the two as they tussled about. Then the wind began to blow and Nash had caught the scent of the outsider. At once Nash jumped off the outsider in  astonishment. He couldn't believe the scent, for it was one that was more than just familiar to him.

"Brother, is that you? It is I Nash, I am still alive. I have been living here ever since I got lost as a cub. This rabbit, Klee found me and helped me when I had no one else."

Nash was right, this outsider of a lion was no other than Nash's brother. Two then became to jump all over each other but this time, it was out of joy and playfulness. The two had been reunited as long lost brothers. Nash had explained everything to him, how he got lost and Klee and he could never find him homeland. Yet in all their searches Klee had become his new brother and Nash become king of this jungle and watched over everyone.

Nash's brother stayed a few days trying to get Nash to come back to his original homeland. Nash turned down his offer though and  choose to stay here where he felt was him home and where he belonged. Nash could also never leave Klee.

From that day on Nash continued to rule his jungle and spend the rest of his days adventuring with Klee. His lion brother would also make trips to come visit and all was well in the life of Nash.

Bibliography: This week's story was inspired by, The Lion and Hare. From the Bidpai unit. The story source: The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai by Maude Barrows Dutton, with illustrations by E.Boyd Smith, (1908).

Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 5: Reading Diary, Continued: The Lion and the Hare

The Lion and the Hare: Link

This story is from the Bidpai unit. Story source: The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai by Maude Barrows Dutton, with illustrations by E. Boyd Smith, (1908)

Illustration of La Fontaine's fable by Gustave Doré

I choose to highlight this story because the I am also interested how people/animals come together to fight a cause. In this story there was a mighty lion that roamed around eating all the other creatures. to rebuttal against the lion they came up to him and told him that because he was so great he shouldn't have to hunt for his food. They all decided that they would gather and decide who would sacrifice themselves to the lion.

Yet, one day it was the hare's turn to sacrifice himself to the lion. The hare was not ready to die yet. This is my favorite part of the story because the hair alone fought for himself instead of just giving up to the regular acts of the society. Instead the hare came up with a grand idea.

The hair told the other animals that the lion was still tormenting them all and that he was going to solve the problem once and for all. Before the hare went off to see the lion he mastered up a plan. By this time the lion was very hungry and upset from waiting. The hare arrived at the lions place and the lion asked why he had been waiting so long on his food. The hair replied with a story that on his way to sacrifice himself to him, along with another hare they were attacked my a lion. This other lion had ate his friend. The Lion was even more upset and angry than before.

This is were the hare's master plan started to take place. The hare told the lion he would take him to the other lion and he could fight him and show him who owned this forest. The hare took the lion to an ancient well. He told the lion that the other was there. In this well there was water. The lion then walked up to the well and saw his reflection. The lion had thought this was the other lion invading his territory, so he jumped in the well and fell in to never come out again.

What I gained from this story was that just because someone tells you what you should do doesn't always mean that you have to do it. You should stay strong to yourself and fight for what you believe in. Instead of just walking to his death the hare came up with a plan not only to save his life but to get ride of the lion for good.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 5: Reading Diary: Bidpai Introduction

Week 5 reading over Unit: Bidpai

For my reading diary I decided to focus on the introduction to this unit. One because this week I will write my introduction to my story book. Two,  I found it very interesting yet helpful that this unit had an introduction. It is the first unit I have read with a while story as an introduction. 

Before the actual introduction story start it tells a mini story about how Bidpai had a massive library but because of its greatness in size it was a hassle to carry. It took 20 years just to extract all his books into encyclopedias of 12 thousand volumes. Then it took 30 camels to carry these. 

He presented these 30 camels caring book to the king but he rapidly objected in taking this life time to read all this. So they were compacted down to 15 camel loads, then 10, then 4, then 2, then eventually to just one average size mule. 

Bidpai grew very tired of this and knew he was getting to be very old. So he took a simple palm leaf and wrote in a golden style 4 simple paragraphs for the king: 

1. The greater part of the sciences comprise but one single word: "Perhaps." And the whole history of mankind contains no more than three: they are "born, suffer, die."

2. Love nothing but what is good, and do all that thou loves to do; think nothing but what is true, and speak not all that thou thinnest."

3. O kings! Tame your passions, govern yourselves, and it will be only child's play to govern the world.

4. O kings! O people! It can never be often enough repeated to you, what the half-witted venture to doubt, that there is no happiness without virtue, and no virtue without God.

Pedigree go the Bidpai literature


The Fables of Bidpai are of Eastern heritage from the centuries before the birth of Christ. It is how their traditions came to be. Their traditions has it inscribed as the sage of India who lived about to the year of 300 B.C. Bedpan grew up to be one of the bravest philosophers of his generation. He stood infant of the king trying to bring wisdom to the foolish ruler. Bedpan was then sent to a prison cell. Until one day the King was problem and went to the sage (Bidpai) for wisdom. After 12 months Bidpai had wrote his fables to give his moral wisdom to the king and Empire. 

I found it inspiring that he worked so hard yet was so wise that he compact all he had read from so many books into 4 simple paragraphs. I also like the perspective and mind set it gave to the beginning of this unit. 

Reading this introduction gave me a few ideas to help with my introduction to my storybook!

Story Source: The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai. By Maude Barrows Dutton, illustrationsby E. Boyd Smith, 1908.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 4

This week I was really pleased with the outcome of my storytelling, The Birth of Sidd. My goal in mind this week was to really mix up my storytelling. I wanted to try to make something fairly new and very creative. Again I was challenged by staying under the maximum length rather then the minimum. I am trying to test out different styles of storytelling of my storybook.

I also had help with writing my story by the pictures I found. I would find a picture I liked then change my story up so it went well with the photo. I wanted my readers to have a strong image in their mind when reading. At least for me it makes the story more interesting to read when the picture goes well with the story.
Adding a Strong Image

For this weeks reading I read the Buddha unit. Like the week before each story was connected to the past one. So it was as if I read one huge story. My favorite quote from the reading was, "Tell him that I possess neither virtue nor merit, for a man without virtue is never loved, and he who is never loved is never mourned." This quote is from, Siddhartha the Hermit. Even though Siddhartha ran into many negative encounters he still found a way to become a Buddha.

I also had a chance to check out some other students blogs! As well as getting some great comment feedback. It's nice to see how other student read my stories and intemperate them. Please never be shy of making any comments on my blog. Thank you to everyone who has made comments!

Last night I went to see Deadpool. My review; go watch it! I thought it was an overall good movie, it was funny, loving, action packed and entertain. Yet, aren't all Marvel movies?

 For this coming week my goals are: 
1. Use a new type of storytelling.
2. Find a great image for my storybook site! 

Just wanted to say Happy Valentines day to everyone for this weekend! Weather you be single or in a relationship tell your loved ones what they mean to you. (All though in my opinion you should do this all the time) 

This weekend I am going on a fishing trip with my sisters and dad. I am really looking forward to it. We also plan on having a BBQ and ending the night with a bonfire and SMORES! 

Personal Photo: Just Fishin

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Week 4: Reading Diary Extra: The Story of the Wolf-Bride

Reading from Unit: Persian Tales. Translated by D.L.R. Larimer and E.O. Larimer and illustrated by Hilda Roberts (1919).

 My favorite story from this Unit was, The Story of the Wolf-Bride. As I began to read I was upset when the boy was put nan underground chamber. Even though it was to protect him it is not how someone should spend their life. Then as I kept reading I was surprised and even more so upset about the boy being put on the chamber.
Locked away

The boy grew up and it was time for him to have a wife. So he did and she was brought down to his chamber and they were left alone. As it was told at the start of the story the boy was said to have his life taken by a wolf and torn apart. This is why he was first placed in the chamber.

As it came to be and after all of his life so far spent in his chamber. The wife had turned into a wolf and torn him apart. Only to turn back into a girl with no idea how it all happened.

I liked this story because even if people are told something bad is going to happen, they shouldn't change the way they live. They should still go about enjoy life as if nothing were going to change.

You never know how things are going to happen. So enjoy the time you have and live life to the fullest.

Learning Challenges: Happiness Reading Article

9 Principles That People Who Feel Successful Say They Live By: Happiness Challenge Article

Success is an Iceberg

1. Create Often  
When you creative you get a meaningful feeling that you placed something new in the world.

2. Understand The Self
The ability to understand yourself, is known as a trait to successful people. You should spend time working on getting to know yourself, be the best you.

3. Have Fun 
To feel successful it is important to have fun. No matter how hard you work you need to make time to do the things you enjoy and spend time with the people you care about. When you spend time having fun it reflects back on happiness and being proud of the life you are creating.

4. Suspend Judgments
Most judgments are reflected on in a negative manner. From now on think about judgment as a way of reflecting back and finding a way to grow and move forward. Learning from your mistakes is productive. Try not to spend time judging yourself, instead use it as motivation to move forward.

5. Seek Challenges 
Find ways to push your limits by seeking challenges. These challenges will push you to your limits and you will grow as an individual.
6. Pursue Meaning 
Find a path or activity that has meaning to you. It may be a volunteer group, helping children, or doing a good deed as a friend.  By doing this you will feel successful and achieved.

7. Make Change Work For You 
When a change occurs make the most out of it. Instead of resisting and slowly not wanting to adapt, take charge and make it work for you.
8. Develop Resilience
This is the ability to overcome a obstacle with positivity. To help you achieve this pale yourself in surroundings with positive and supportive individuals.

9. Constantly Improve. 
This is the overall connecting trait to being successful. Continue to strive for perfection, is known as the clearest path to success. There is always room for improvement so don't let anything hold you back.

No one said it would be easy, but it WILL be worth it! 

Article By, Bill Connolly.
Article found at, Entrepreneur.
Article published on, October 16, 2015

I found this and though it was convenient, enjoy! 
Success in a Blogpost

Growth Mindset: Open your mind with a new perspective

For this weeks growth mindset challenge I choose to do a memo on, open your mind with a new perspective. Once I read this title I knew I wanted to do this challenge. A few years back I used to be pretty closed minded compared to how I am now. I tried to stay away from things I did't know and people who seemed different that I was.

Perspective Quote

Then I grew up and learned a whole lot. I learned that stepping into new things is a great way to learn. It is also a great way to meet new people and get to know yourself. I have been on a few interesting journey in the past few years that have open my mind in way I never could have imagined.


  1. 1
    the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
    "a perspective drawing"


In this challenge there is an article, Three Cognitive Biases. The article talks about the three biases and a solution to each one.

 1. Confirmation Bias:
This is the bias that your thought, memories and beliefs are intangible. You tend to reinforce rather than challenge these beliefs. "It is the tendency to search for interpret information in a way that confirms with one's existing beliefs or preconceptions. " (Further Article) 
Solution- Open your mind. Take time to think about the other side of the story, you do not necessarily have to accept it though. Just attempt to understand. 

2. Conservatism Bias
This is "evidence that the Earth is round instead of flat" conservatism bias is "often discussed in the realm of investing, where even professionals react too slowly yo new information." (Further Article) 
Solution- Act quickly to adapt in the face of a new contrary indication. Or, take time to verify but make sure you make a move. 

3. Conformity Bias
Conformity bias is "the tendency to behave similarly to the others in a group, even if doing so goes against your own judgment.: (Further Article) 
Solution- Have courage to act accordingly to your own conditions. 

What bias are you?

As of now I am a very open minded person. I will ask anyone and everyone involved their side of the story before I make any judgments or assumption. I want to make sure everyone had a fair chance. I will also try my best to take the time and understand why someone took action the way they did. I ask myself is there something I may not know? I am also integer by people that are different then me. I find it very interesting to learn why they are that way. With each new experience I go though and each new person I meet I always try to take something with me. Weather it be a new life lesson, a new way to cook, or a different way sometime thinks. It's all a part of what makes me who I am.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." 
-Albert Einstein

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Week 4: Storytelling: Birth of Siddhartha

The Birth of Sidd 

In year past there once a world filled with evil, demons, and witches. This was a time of dark ages. In a kingdom call Gautama lived a king and queen, their castle was greater and taller that anyone had ever seen. The castle tower reached so high in the sky that the clouds consumed it. In these dark times though it was always covered by the mass of black clouds. The castle was also broken off from the rest of the land, the ground around it had cracked and fallen to the sea. Now for the tail that brought these dark times.
Island castle covered by the Dark

There once was a time when dark did not consume the land of Gautama. It was a time of joy, happiness, and light. It was a bright and beautiful kingdom and people came from far and wide to visit the king and queen in their castle. The land of Gautama was friendly to all.

Late one afternoon in the land of Gautama the King was hunting by the forest, looking for a deer. The king had stumbled upon a fine buck. He drew back his bow and an arrow flew with strength and speed, piercing the heart of the deer. Please with his kill he started to approach the deer, when he was mysteriously interrupted.

The king saw a shadow rising from the back of the forest. As it got closer and the king took a better look he couldn't believe what he saw. A witch! The king had only heard stories that they existed. How could this be?

With a scratch of a chuckle the witch slowly walked up to the king. The king asked the witch, "What is your business? This is my land, you do not belong here."  The witch then replied, "Oh yet you think my king, yet for this was first my land. You see I was banished and became weak. I had to take shelter and gain back strength. Now I am back and plan on taking back what was truly mine."

In shock the king was terrified. With courage he grabbed for an arrow and fired at the witch. The witch simple rebutted with a flick of her wand and the arrow flew right past her. The king knew he had to get back to his queen. He ran back to his castle.

He ran through the kingdom village shouting to the people. He told everyone to go home and lock the doors. He doubled the guards at every entrance of the kingdom.

King at battle

The king was not planning on giving his land to this witch. He told his wife that he was going out to battle. She tried everything she could to get him to stay because she had just found out she was going to have a baby. She knew her king would not sit and watch his kingdom fall so she decided not to tell him the news yet. He prepared for battle and set out with all his men.

They arrived to the edge of the forest. The ground started to shake and the sky began to roar. Black clouds filled the sky and the earth began to shake. The witch then appears from the edge of the forest.

"You don't stand a chance my king, for I have risen the demos of the ground and have the power of magic on my side. From this day on only the birth of one who can see pure truth and light can defeat me.  I have cast a spell on this land to insure no births. Now I will defeat you."
All that is Evil and Dark

From the depths of the forest the witch flew out with an army of demons.

The king and he are were in a tremendous battle. The king could see they were out numbered with no magic. In the darkness of the battle the king knelt down and prayed to the gods.

" Forgive me for I am not as strong as my enemy but please for the sake of my people and this kingdom help us."

A small light from above shown down on the king and he found strength from within. He jumped into the battle field slaying all that came his way. The witch noticed the king now had help from the gods. The witch began to worry, she knew the king and his armies could now win in battle.

The dark witch started to send the earth to the depths of the sea. The king ordered them to retreat back to the castle for protection. The king and most of his armies made it back to the castle, yet the witch was right behind them.

The witch flew up to the king "You may have won this battle with the help from the Gods but I shall still win back my land for you will now be stuck in your castle with no where to go."

The king was devastated. He cried to his queen with a broken heart. "Please do not be sad my king for I have good news. While you were at battle the Gods came to me. They told me that the baby I will soon bear will be able to save this kingdom. For she will be able to see the truth and light in the world. She will be a hero and restore this kingdom."

The King had faith again and everyone in the castle vowed their lives to this unborn child. Above all the dark clouds the top of the castle tower would glow when the queen and her unborn child were there. Her name will be Sidd.

Author's Note: I bases this story on the readings from the story, Birth of Siddhartha. In this story a kings wife, Mara knew her son was to be born soon. She had been sent dreams for the gods and felt the warmth her son brought. The day her son was to be born the king ordered for the whole kingdom to be lavished with extravagant beauty, such as flowers and jewels. This was also no ordinary son, he was said to be a Buddha. Once Siddhartha was born joy spread throughout the world. "Bells peeled gaily, peacocks spread their tail-feathers, and sounds of swans throbbed int he air. Flowers blossomed, fruit on trees, light in the sky, strength was given to the weak, poor became of wealth, and the wicked was cleaned of evil." (Birth of Siddhartha quote)  This baby was said to be the one to see the truth.

In my story I told it as a bedtime story, keeping the version of a king and queen to have a baby. I wanted to change up the beginning of the story. Making it dark from the witch. Then same at the original story the baby would being joy, light and happiness to the world. I also changed they boy to a girl baby in my story.

The name of the kingdom, Gautama is know as a Buddha name. Or also known as Siddhartha Gautama the founding of Buddha teaching. This is how I came up with the name of the kingdom.

Bibliography: Story is part of the Buddha Unit. Story source: Birth of Siddhartha, by Andre Ferdinand Herold (1922).