Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 8: Review

Spring Break is over. I am taking this with sadness as well as happiness. 

Found on Class Announcements

I am sad to say there was no more time for putting off homework. It time to get back to work and get things done. I am also excited to finish out this semester, with the hopes of summer ahead! 

Over break, I stayed in Norman and worked almost every day. I also had the chance to spend the week with my sister. She was able to come down and we had a great time! It was nice to hang out with someone close to me and get some good laughs! 

Spring break was just a small glimpse off what this summer will be and I am very excited. So I am taking all this excitement and using it as motivation. Motivation to keep on top of things through the rest of the semester! I have goals in mind that I fully plan on accomplishing!

Summer is right around the corner!

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