Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week 7: Famous Last Words

Half way there! 
It is half way through the semester and midterms are over! I am pleased to say I am relieved. I am also excited that this semester is almost over. I can't wait for summer! It has definitely been an accomplishment to get through midterms. I was studying every day and working hard. I was really glad to finish my midterm paper for one of my classes. I even turned it in early. That's a big accomplishment for me! One of my semester goals this year was to not procrastinate as much has I have in the past. I think I am doing a pretty good job. I am also doing well managing my time. I have been working as well and still getting my work turned in on time. 

In this class, I have finally finished revising my story book. I am excited to continue onto the next story. I look forward to it and hope my readers do as well. Here is a link to check it out if you haven't, Ashlie's Storybook. The introduction was the hardest thing for me to write. It always is in any paper or story. Now I will be able to use other stories to help me. Kira has an adventure waiting here. 

Starting last week I started a competition with my friend. The competition is on the Nike run app. We are trying to run as many miles as we can. As of now I am two miles behind. Don't worry though it won't is for long. I plan on winning. I also plan on getting in shape for summer. I am highly looking forward to all my adventure I have planned. I can't wait to be back in my home mountains! 

Personally Taken, Alaska Basin, Wyoming 

Taken by Cory Helm, Grand Teton National Park

This summer I hope to be in the mountains on a hike every day I have off. I am also excited to get back to work this summer! See my friends from back home and enjoy the summer. 

Half way down and half way to go! 

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