Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Week 11: Storytelling Proverbs

-Short rhymes-

If you kiss on Monday, you kiss for love 
Kiss on Tuesday, kiss to git rid of 
Kiss on Wednesday, kiss for a show 
Kiss on Thursday, kiss might bring snow  
Kiss on Friday, kiss for the party 
Kiss on Saturday, you might find your smarty. 


When one travels to the East, 
ones luck might just increase;
When one travels to the North, 
You never know what might come forth; 
When one travels to the South,
make sure you listen to the word by mouth; 
When one travels West,
Be looking for what looks best. 


If one must sleep for seven-day, they must lay in a bed of hay. 
If they will stand for nights on end, they unsurely will descend. 
When one chooses to lay awake, only time will tell if they will break. 
Or if they may wonder throughout the fight, they will find the pathway to the light. 
On this journey, they must stand tall, for if they lose the will fall. 
Yet, when they fight true and strong,
they will have the seven days and may the be forever long. 


In the morning dew on a summer day,
All of the animals loved to come out and play.
They frickled and frolicked through the fields,
no one ever stops or makes yields.
Then once the sun has been raised,
It rains down its light for all to praise.
Days are spent in love of life,
No one ever deals with strife.
All is well in the sun and shine,
As the night begins to fall everyone watches the falling skyline.

Deer sketch By Kelly Tom on Public Domain
"Early to bed, and early yo rise, 
Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. "

There once was a man who went from nothing to everything. 
He was a poor boy who was found on the streets. 
A man took him in to comfort his needs.
 When the man took him in he taught him to live. 
To live was to learn and to learn was to live. 
The man taught the boy to smile in life. 
For the simplest of things could bring forth the greatest of joy. 
The man also taught him to work for his worth. 
So the boy worked hard and never stopped. 
He worked every day and helped when he could. 
While at the same time he found happiness in his heart. 
He knew when he helped he did more than just work. 
He brought strength to himself for the work was not work.
The boy had learned that he could do what he loved.
When he did what he loved he would find peace from above. 
The peace from above-brought hope to the rest. 
The rest could then see the love that was spread. 
This poor from the streets was a blessing within. 
For he grew on the town and the town surely loved him. 
After hard work and heart, the boy made himself a man.
He saved up all his earning and bought him some land. 
He never gave up and always stayed strong.
His land became great for he made himself a farm. 
His farm flourished in size and he sold what he grew. 
He came to a wealthy man and always stood true. 
He always went back to the man who took him in. 
For he never forgot who made and shaped him. 
He learned the great lesson to love what you do. 
To always work hard and smile too. 


Author's Note: For this unit of reading I read the Nursery Rhymes. For the first two rhymes, I took them to form the reading and changed them up a bit. For the first one, the original rhyme talked about sneezing on each day of the week. For the second rhyme, the original one was about the wind blowing in different directions. For the third rhyme, I choose to make up my own. I found it a lot more difficult than I anticipated. I am hoping It makes sense to all my readers. Ha but then again a few of the rhymes I read, I was totally lost. For the last rhyme, I wanted to incorporate animals into it. I feel like animals are used a lot in rhymes for children. They make an easier connection to animals. It also attracts some people's interest. I wanted to tell a short rhyme about animals living their life in a field. Living through the summer days just running through the fields enjoying the simplicity of life. In the last short story I expanded it from one of the proverbs. The original proverb, "Early to bed, and early yo rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. ". I choose to give a little to the story, by expanding it. I just wanted to add more detail. 

Story Source: Nursery Rhymes Unit. Proverbs, From The Nursery Rhyme Book edited by Andre Lang and illustrated by L. Leslie Brooke (1897). 

Week 11 Reading Diary Extra: Mr. Miacca

The lesson that should be learned it to learn from your mistakes. Not everyone can be as lucky as this young boy and get away with his life twice.

IN the story of Mr. Miacca, it tells of a bad boy who goes where he shouldn't (around the corner) and is taken by Mr. Miacca. Now Mr. Miacca eats and boys for supper. The boy had even been warned not to go around the corner for Mr. Miacca would take him. Surely enough this had happened. When the boy was taken though he was clever enough to escape and was free.

Once the boy escaped from Mr. Miacca he was good until one day. The boy went around the corner yet again and was snatched up yet again by Mecca. I do not know how but the boy once again tricked his was out nd was free. After the SECOND time, the boy thankfully learned his lesson. The boy was good from then on.

If I were to change up with the story I am not sure If I would let the boy get away with what he did for the second time. You think after almost being cooked up for supper that you would learn your lesson. I have to give it to the boy though he had some guts to go there again. Also, the boy was very clever with escaping two times from Mr. Miacca. In my opinion, he was very lucky and had the help of his cleverness.

From the Story Mr. Miacca

Overall lesson, stay out of trouble and do not wonder where you are told not to. Especially when the consequence in being taken by Mr. Miacca and being eaten for supper! Haha this could come in as a handy story to tell children to stay out of places they shouldn't be. 

Story unit, English Fairy Tales. Story, Mr. Miacca by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890). 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Reading Diary Continued: Accumulative Stories

For the second half of the reading unit: Nursery Rhymes I choose to highlight the Accumulative Stories. Unlike the rest of the unit that is mostly short stories, short as three lines. The accumulative stories start off small and gets added to. I found this section interesting to read.

The first story is, This Is the House That Jack Built. It starts off with just two lines. Then each breaks it adds another line. Each new line is a new part of the story. In the eleventh break, it had eleven lines, that wrap up the whole story. I think this is the fun way to tell a longer story in the form of a rhyme.

In this unit, there was another rhyme that started off with a key of the kingdom. Then in each line, the story was broken down. For example, the next line was "In that kingdom there is a city." Then the next line told of how in the city there was a town. I think this could be a fun rhyme to add on to of mix up. One idea would be to state the origin line then add another small story for each line. Or you could start off with something small and tell a story line by line of where it ends up.

The other type of accurate story was none were they used a few lines to tell a story then had a small rhyme. For example, a small story was told with about 3 to 6 lines. Then there would be a break with a small rhyme. Then a line would we wrote to tell where the story was headed. Then another rhyme. This is a creative way to combine a story and a rhyme. I though it was more entertaining to read than just a solid story or a long rhyme. It was the best of both worlds.

Photo found in Nursery Rhymes Unit

Story unit Nursery Rhymes unit, section Accumulative Stories. By, Andrew Lang and illustrated by L. Leslie Brooke (1897).

Reading Diary Week 11: Rhymes and Riddles

Reading from Unit- British Nursery Rhymes

One of my favorite sections form, the first half of the Nursery Rhymes was the proverbs section.

Nature required five
Custom gives seven!
Laziness takes nine, 
And wickedness eleven. 

[Answer: hours of sleep]
Not only was this little rhyme clever it was also a little. Short, sweet and simple. Yet at the same time I had no idea what the answer was until it was given below.

A MAN of words and not of deeds,
Is like a garden full of weeds;
And when the weeds begin to grow,
It's like a garden full of snow;
And when the snow begins to fall,
It's like a bird upon the wall;
And when the bird away does fly,
It's like an eagle in the sky;
And when the sky begins to roar,
It's like a lion at the door;
And when the door begins to crack,
It's like a stick across your back;
And when your back begins to smart,
It's like a penknife in your heart;
And when your heart begins to bleed,
You're dead, and dead, and dead, indeed.
The rhyme above was one of my favorites. Just in the first two lines; a man of weeds is like a garden full of snow. I took the interpretation as a man that only speaks and does not fulfil his deeds, is like a garden full of snow. The beauty of the flowers just like the words is covered or hidden. Just like by the snow. 

Another one of my favorite sections from the rhymes unit was they rhymes and riddles. I like to think I am good at figuring them out but really I am not. 

One of the riddles I had heard before....

Little Nancy Etticoat
In a white petticoat
nd a red rose
The longer she stands
The shorter she grows. 

The answer is a candle. 

I really look forward to creating one of my own riddles or rhymes.

As I continued to read through this unit I came across Peter Piper. I remember trying to say this rhyme as fast as I could with my friends when I was in elementary. Just on case you wanted to try I'll write below.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked;

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, 
Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?
When I used to write stories as a kid I would try to place the same word adjectives together. Such as super shiny sun. I remember it made it more exciting to write my papers and better to read. 

I believe I enjoy reading these rhymes and riddle because not only are they fun and challenging.  They also bring back many childhood memories. They also make me wonder how they were ever written. I know many come with a lesson or teaching in them. Others I read and just wonder what in the world is this supposed to mean? Ha I look forward to reading more from this unit.

Story unit Nursery Rhymes unit, section Accumulative Stories. By, Andrew Lang and illustrated by L. Leslie Brooke (1897). 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week 10: Storytelling: Peace Pipe

Eagle Tournament 

One day high up above where the sky touched the earth was a mass convocation of the eagle. Today would the day that one eagle would be chosen to sacrifice a feather. This feather would be used in the making of the an all sacred piece pipe. This sacred peace pipe would be used by the Indians on earth to create peace with one another.

The judges of this competition would-would be the wise old owl and the cunning woodpecker. They would sit on earth with the Indians and help decide what feather would be chosen.

Up above all different eagles gather from across the great horizon. They had been preparing for this for years. They sharpened their beaks and talons, but most of all made sure their feathers on point.

The competition would begin by a showing of every owl's feather. After the select few were chosen the next set would begin. The eagles would be judged on sturdiness, appearance, color, softness and weight. After a long and hard thought out decision, the top eagles were the spotted eagle, bald eagle, golden eagle, and imperial eagle. For all of their feathers stood out among the others.

The next challenge was dropped a single feather in the middle of the sacred circle on the earth and have it stand straight up. In the sacred circle, the owl and woodpecker were watching, along with the Indians.

The first eagle to try was the golden one. He picked out the longest feather and began to fly over the circle. The wind was strong and blowing hard to the east. When the golden eagle dropped his feather it did not land straight up. It fell flat on it side and the golden eagle was out of the challenge.

Next up was the spotted eagle. The spotted eagle chooses to pick his most spotted feather. The spotted owl watched how the wind affected the other father, and accounted for that. Yet, as soon as the spotted eagle dropped the feather a butterfly interrupted its path. With the gentle touch of the butterfly and the feather the path to winning was corrupted. Now the spotted eagle was out of the challenge.

After that, the bald eagle was up. The bold eagle chooses his strongest most sturdy feather. The bald eagle watched the wind, watched for incoming bugs and determined a path to drop the feather. Before the bald eagle could even drop the feather he was struck down by a nearby tree. The spirits of the earth interfered and did not want the bald eagle to win the challenge.

Now in the competition only the imperial eagle remained. If the imperial eagle could not win the challenge the peace pipe would never be made. The imperial eagle chooses the feather closest to his heart. He did not check for the wind, he did not check for bugs and he did not check his surroundings. The imperial eagle knew that he could the challenge. He flew above the circle with a courageous heart and dropped the feather.

Down on earth the owl and the woodpecker along with the Indians watched at the feather fluttered down. The feather of the imperil eagle landed straight up in the center of the sacred circle. The imperial eagle had won the challenge. His feathers would be used to make the sacred piece pipe for now an years to come.
Imperial Eagle on Flickr by Frankie Chu

Author's note: In the original story it tells how the Indians gathered as a council. They cleared a circle and sat down. They heard the owl and woodpecker near bye. The chief said they would offer us aid, so he had them join the circle. This is why I choose the owl and woodpecker to be the judges in the circle. Then as the Indians sat in the circle the chief sent for someone to get wood and ash sapling. Every time a feather fell into the circle the chief sent him back for a different one. Then one feather landed staring up and the chief said this was the right wood and sapling and this is the feather we will use. From then on the peace pipes have been made from the imperial eagle's feathers. In my story, I choose to tell it from the eagles side of the story. I turned it into a competition. Oppose to the eagle feathers telling the Indians what wood and sapling were correct.

Story Source: From the Great Plains unit, story The Legend of the Peace Pipes by Katharine Berry Judson (1913).

Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 10: Reading Diary Continued: The Spirit Land

Story from the Great Plains unit, The Spirit Land. By Katharine Berry Judson (1913).

When I first read the title I was anticipating a story about a spirit world/land. That the story would bring the reader to this place. That's what I get for guessing about an Indian tale.

The spirit world is toward the Darkening Land that was located higher up. The story is told that when the spirits come back from this world the Crow is the leader. This is because the Crow is black in color like the Darkening Land.

As for the people they were in the living world, the Sunrise Land. The Crow decided that he would bring different worlds together. Crow had taken a pebble with his beak and dropped in into the water. The pebble became a mountain! This allowed the Indians to come down the mountain side to the edge of the water.

Crow flying above water: Wikimedia.com
Crow's next step was to take dust and drop it into the water. The dust became solid land! This land had stretched from the spirit land to the living world.

The next step Crow made was taking blades of grass. When he Crow dropped the grass new land was made!

The last step, Crow took twigs in his beak. When Crow dropped them it covered the new earth with a forest of trees.

Thanks to Crow the Indians have a new world to live on!

When I read this story it made me think of the story of the beaver and the Coyote. They had an epic battle that they fought so hard they created the great lakes. Kind of like hoe Crow created this new earth. It also reminded me of other creation stories from different tribes.

I tend to really enjoy the creation stories from all different units. I like how it wasn't the people who created the world. It is usually animals that do. One of the reasons I like to believe the Indians have such a strong connection with the animals. As well as with the plants and rest of nature around them. They all work together and live in harmony.

Week 10 Reading Diary:

When reading the story of The Legend of the Peace Pipes, I found myself asking many questions! For myself as a reader, this is a good thing. What would the fun in reading a story be if you always knew the mystery?

The story of the Peace Pipes would never be one I would guess. I was wrong with every guess I made but one. When the different eagles started flying above the cleared circle. I had made a guess that we would land upright, pointed out of the ground. Surely enough, one had, from the eagle with the fantail. That part was a bit unexpected. I though it would have been the bald eagle.
Wikipedia: Peace Pipe Circle
In the end, it also tells of how that eagle and feathers from the owl and woodpecker are used to make the piece pipes. The peace pipes were then used to form relations with other tribes.

I had many other questions when reading the story. One was why did only the owl and woodpecker call out to the Indians? In the story, it says the owl called out to offer then his aid. What aid did he bring, though? I still wonder this.

Overall my favorite part of the story is how the animals helped find the right sapling and bark. Mainly the eagles that flew from above and dropped their feathers in the middle of the circle clearing.

Story Source: The Legend of the Peace Pipes. Unit Great Plains. By Katharine Berry Judson. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Week 9: Review

Happy Easter! 

Another week accomplished and completed. I was able to get all my work done in time to spend the weekend with great friends! I look forward to the new week and the challenges it brings. Remember not to walk to fast, you might miss the view! (In other words check your work and back it up!) 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Week 9: Storytelling: When the Rainbow Was Torn

Coloring Earth 

Long ago before humans and animals roamed the earth it was colorless. The only thing living on earth was plants, shrubs and trees. Along with the natural elements of wind, fire, air, earth, and weather. The elements were special for they could obtain color. The fire was able to burn a piercing red. The wind had a blue tint to it as well as the rain. The lighting was able to hold a glowing yellow. The one that stood out the most was the rainbow. The rainbow held seven outstand colors; radiant red, outstanding orange, great green, yeasty yellow, bold blue,  illusive indigo, and  vast violet. All the other plants and elements were jealous. They wanted to have the color like the rainbow did.

Enhanced Rainbow
Rainbow: By Barb Ver Sluis

For many years, the rainbow made sure he never touched any other plants on the ground. The rainbow was careful to place his ends in clear open spaces on the ground. The rainbow feared that the other plants would steal his color. 

Until one day the storm clouds were very upset and it rained and rained for days on end. Every time the storm clouds would let up the rainbow would come out. He would shine his bold and brilliant colors. After a month of training, the rainbow grew very tired. He was exhausted after showing himself and letting his colors rain down to earth. It wasn't always easy being a rainbow. He needed his rest as well. 

One day the storm clouds let up for a break to take a rest. It was time for the rainbow to come out and shine. Due to his exhaustion, he was not paying close attention to where he set his ends down. It was too late, though, by the time he noticed he was about to place his end on a bed of flowers. The rainbow was too weak to pull up his end, so he fell on the bed of flowers. The moment his end touched them the flowers broke out into color. 

The rainbow was in a mess, he began to panic that this was the end of him. His color would vanish and the flowers would take it all. There would be no more rainbow to shine after the rain. Or would there?

When it was time for the rainbow to pull up from earth he was shocked. He pulled up and realized he hadn't lost a bit of color. He was ecstatic and joyful once again. He had actually felt better than ever before. For the rainbow had gained energy from the flower he landed on. He also noticed that the flower was now colored. They held as much beauty as the rainbow did. 

Instead of being mad the rainbow was happy. He looked down on the flowers and saw how stunning they looked. It was a much better view then looking down and black and white all day. From that day, the rainbow took the job of painting the world. He asked the rainclouds to continue to rain while he helped add color to the world. He landed in a new spot day after day. He decided to paint the pines green, the water blue and give the flowers the color of their choice. As days went by color flourished over the ground. All the other elements loved the view. 

This is the story of how the color came into the world. With a simple accident, that lead to wonders. 

Colored the Flowers. By, Ian Sane on Flicker

Authors Note: I took the original story of When the Rainbow Was Torn. In the original story, there were cactus flowers that were white. The colors belonged to the rainbow. When the rainbow touched the ground everything around it soaked up its color. The cactus flower always hoped the rainbow would touch down on them. Yet the rainbow was afraid the towns would poke him. In the original story, the rainbow was heavy from all the rain drops and fell down on the cactus flower. It wasn't able to lift up due to the weight of raindrops. This is how the cactus flowers gained their color. In my story, I wanted to take away all color from earth. I gave the rainbow all the color and made him a selfish character, who didn't want to share. Until one day he grew too tired and fell on the flowers. I then turned the rainbows character around and made him giving. Once he realized he wouldn't lose his color and he could share it with everyone. Making earth a beautiful place to look at. 

Story Source: From the Tejas Legends: When the Rainbow Was Torn. Form When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and Other Indian Legends retold by Florence Stratton and illustrated by Berniece Burrough (1936). 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 9: Reading Diary extra credit: The Cloud That Was Lost

Just like all people and living things, clouds also need rest. Be careful where you wander though because you might now come back.

The story of The lost cloud is just as it sounds. It's about a cloud that got lost. The clouds would come down at night to rest. They would place themselves in mountain tops and tree tops. This is why there is fog. One day a little cloud was chasing his tale and ended up far from any other clouds. As night fell the little cloud as very tired. There was nothing but an open field below.  The cloud couldn't take it so the cloud laying down on the field. Below he was a white flower that was tired of begin white. The cloud had a light pink/lavender color. The flowers took their chance and drank from the cloud. They did so until there was no cloud left.

So we are left with the story of how the flower known as the phlox got their soft color.

Phlox: From the story The Lost Cloud

Story from: Tejas Legends Unit: The Cloud That Was Lost By, Berniece Burrough (1936) 

My favorite part of this story is how the flowers got their color. I like how in many Native American stories everything comes from something already. Such as the flower got their color from the cloud. 

I also wanted to highlight the story, How Sickness Entered the World. In the beginning, there was no sickness. People lived a healthy life unti\ll they grew old. One day the old medicine man fell dying, The Great Spirit decided that he would send a messenger down so the man could share his wisdom. Yet, the old man was too weak to meet the messenger. So he sent to young boys to meet the messenger. When the boys were waiting they saw a snake. In fear, they attacked and killed the snake. Then they continued to wait for the messenger. He never came and the boys went back to tell the medicine man what happened. The medicine man was raged for they had killed the messenger (the snake). The medicine man told them there would be great trouble ahead. That night the mate of the snake come into camp and laid eggs everywhere. When the eggs hatched each snake carried a sickness into the world. This was how sickness came into the world. 

I liked this story because it shows that with every action you take there will be consequences. Also, that thing are not always as they seem. Such as the messenger being a snake. 

Week 8: Review

Spring Break is over. I am taking this with sadness as well as happiness. 

Found on Class Announcements

I am sad to say there was no more time for putting off homework. It time to get back to work and get things done. I am also excited to finish out this semester, with the hopes of summer ahead! 

Over break, I stayed in Norman and worked almost every day. I also had the chance to spend the week with my sister. She was able to come down and we had a great time! It was nice to hang out with someone close to me and get some good laughs! 

Spring break was just a small glimpse off what this summer will be and I am very excited. So I am taking all this excitement and using it as motivation. Motivation to keep on top of things through the rest of the semester! I have goals in mind that I fully plan on accomplishing!

Summer is right around the corner!

Week 9 Reading Diary Continued: Origin of the Tribes

The Creation of the Tribes (Chinook) from the Pacific Northwest unit

I always find it fascinating  how Different Indian's have creation stories. From most of the creation stories I have read, they start with animals. I find it that this could be a reason why Indians respect animals so much. Maybe another reason why they see then as an equal, Instead of superior to.

In this creation story, it started out with a monster beaver and a coyote. In Lake Cleellum. They story is told of how animal people would try to fish in Cleellum but Wishpoosh the beaver would drag them down to the bottom of the lake.

One day the Coyote the wisest and cunningest of them all decided he would change this. He went fishing in the lake but his pole was no ordinary one. Coyote had fastened a spear to his wrist with a strong cord. When Wishpoosh attacked him the coyote speared the beaver. Then Wishpoosh dragged him to the bottom of the lake. Yet, the coyote would not go down without the fight for his life. The two had an epic battle. They fought and fought dragging each other through the water.

The two had fought so hard that they began to tear out the banks of the lake. Water began to rush through the mountains. With each stop, that coyote and Wishpoosh made a lake was formed. Then when they started back up again in motion a new bank was torn out. Water flew downstream. The water then rushed down to a meeting place, of the Yakima, the Snake, and the Columbia Rivers,

Coyote was beginning to get short of breath. He would not stop fighting, though. He had to take down Wwishpoosh. This is when coyote reminded himself of who he was, cunning and wise. Coyote turned himself into a branch. He drifted toward Wishpoosh and then he was swallowed. Once inside of Wishpoosh he changed back into a coyote. Coyote took his knife and cut the inside of Wishpoosh.

Coyote was very tired and Muscat came to help him. The two tore apart and Wishpoosh and threw the pieces over the land. The creation began with each piece.

From the Head of Wishpoosh Coyote made the Nez Perces- Great in Council 
From the arms, he made the Cayuses- Powerful with a bow and war club
From the legs he made the Klickitats- Famous runners 
From the ribs, he made the Chinooks- Short, fat people
Map of Nez Perce, found on Wikipedia

With each piece of Wishpoosh, the monster beaver coyote made a tribe. He created something that would level the playing field. He created the Tribes of the Pacific Northwest.

This story gave me some create ideas for when I rewrite my creation story of the Cherokee Indians for my storybook. It also started off with two animals in a fight. In this creation story, I liked how with each piece of the killed (sacrificed) animal something was created! There is never any waste.

Story from the Pacific Northwest unit: Origin of the Tribes by Katharine Berry Judson (1910)

Week 9 Reading Diary: Ashish

Ashish was the one who always shot straight. 

Story from Pacific NW: The Story of Ashish

I enjoyed this story and choose to highlight it for its tale. The tale how certain characteristics will reveal one's true identity. In the beginning, it told how when each one was to gamble they would build a fire. AShiish's for was a purple-blue. The sly silver fox's fire was only yellow.

They story goes on of how gamblers are placed and, in the end, Ashish always wins. The others are out of things to bet by noon and return to their lodges. As the story goes on it tells of how the silver fox tricked Ashish into climbing a tree to hunt an eagle. Yet, when Ashish climbs up the tree it grew higher and higher up. When he reached the top he only found young eagles. He knew he was tricked. He grew very weak and turned into bones.

Down on the ground, the silver fox turned into Ashish, or so he tried to. Shortly after AShish's wives knew he wasn't Ashish. They told the other gamblers and asked the so-called Ashish to shoot. Claiming that Ashish always hit the target and shoots straight. He missed his mark. Then they really knew something was up. The next step was to have the so-called Ashish build his fire. Once he did it burned only yellow and the true identity was shown.

I liked how the moral of the story was that the ones who really know you will found out. They care about you and can tell when something is wrong. It also shows that each and every person is a unique individual. It also helped that in the story everyone had a different color fire. So in the end, they were able to prove to everyone the fox was trying to be Ashish.

As for Ashish, he was found by butterflies. He told them his story and they were able to nurture him back to health. They brought him up food and water. Then they carried him back down to the ground. In the end, everyone got what they deserved and true identity was discovered.

Story by: Katharine Berry Judson (1910) 
Ashish's Fire

Monday, March 7, 2016

Tech Tip: Quote maker

Personal Photo made on Canva.com

I am really glad I found this tech tip and went through with it. I really enjoy taking pictures. I also enjoy finding an inspirational quote. I am a huge fan of traveling and nature. So most of my quotes are nature or travel related. I have the struggle in the past with finding a place and knowing where I am going. Lately, though I know that things will work out and fall into place. You do not always need a reason sometimes you just need to take off. "Wonder without purpose or reason" I took this photo just a few weeks ago at the Wichita Mountains and Wildlife refuge. I was out hiking with my sisters and we wanted to see how close we could get to the buffalo. We got about 15 feet away then decided we should accept that and let them be. From now on when I take picture I will be thinking of where I will be placing the quote! 

Tech Tip: Quote Maker

Pictures and quotes are two of my favorite things! 

Personal photo made on Canva

This is a photo I took, at Grand Teton National Park. It was taken in the summer of 2015 on a hike. I choose this quote to go with it because it simply what is said. Everything you do in life has a reason and purpose. If you work hard you will be rewarded. Just like an echo, you send out your hard work, then the reward comes back. The author of the original quote is unknown.

Tech Tip: Quotemaker

I tried out a quote maker using Canva. I used my own personal photo and wrote something new on the picture. I liked beong able to use my own photo and originality. I hope to incorperate more of my own sayings and photos in my future blogs. The biggest challenge was finding a picture that would work with a quote. Picking a font and color that also shows up in your picture is a challenge.

Personally made on Canva

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week 8: Reading

Native American Reading for Week 9-10

First, I plan on raeding the Great Plains. I picked this unit because I am also working on a research paper over the Cheyenne Indians. They are part of the Great Plain Indians. I hope to learn as much as I can. I also hope to understand and learn from their myths. 

I am excited about these next two weeks reading. I usually choose a Native American reading for my extra credit readings. Now I can rad even more about them. Once I saw the Native American unit I knew the problem wouldn't be picking one. It would be picking just one. Usually, I find myself reading the story from multiple units trying t choose one. This time, I found myself continuing to read!

The Creation story from the Un-Textbook

Second,  I would like to read the Cherokee unit. I am choosing to focus on the Cherokee Indians for my storybook. I am also part Cherokee and love learning about any part of me that I can. I am also very familiar with a few of their myths already. One I am the family find of is, The First Fire. I find it very interesting how certain things (in this case fire) came onto or into this world. 

British/Celtic Week 11-12

Third, from the British unit I plan on reading English Tales.  I was interested in the story The Rose Tree. It was fun to read with its different sections. It reminded me of other childhood tales such as; Hansel and Grettle, The Three Little Pigs and The Boy Who Cried Wolf. I look forward to this unit. 

Fourth, Nursery Rhymes. I have been wanting to rewrite a story as a nursery rhyme all semester. So I choose this unit for inspiration. I also wanted to choose a different type of reading. Something I don't usually choose. Something that is ew to me. 

European Week 13-14

Fifth, Hunt unit. This unit is full of stories such as; Bearskin, Hansel and Gretel, and Snow White. I am really looking forward to basing a story from one of these readings. I know these stories as they are told today. These, on the other hand, were published in 1884. I am interested to read more into them as they were written so long ago. 

Sixth, Another unit from the Brothers Grimm, Ashliman. I thought it would be interesting to choose this unit because it also has a few stories I have heard as a kid. One of the stories I looked into was Rumpelstiltskin. When I began to read this story It was not how I remembered it. I still enjoyed the story, though. I look forward to seeing the differences and similarities in the other stories. 

From Un-Textbook

Week 8: Blog Ideas

I checked out some fellow classmates bogs check them out;
1. Maddie Relyea- Purple all the way
2. Fred Kown- Background
3. Chandler Neal- White on Black

I have found that blogs with uniqe/ diffeerent items of color schemes is what catched my eye.

I have to say though that I don't really want to make any changes to my blog. I am really please with it and lik how it stands out. I like how I have a white on black theme (oppose to the common black on white). I have a uniqe back ground. Although I wish you could see more of it. I might have to look into changing it. I also have my navigation bar on the left oppose to in the right (most people place it on the right).

Ideas: by Trish Miller

Week 8: Time Schedule

Time is of the essence.

At the begging of the year, I choose the time schedule of three hours on Sunday and three hours on Saturday. So far this schedule has been working great for me. I get half my assignments done on Sunday at the start of the week. Then when I have time in my week I work on the rest of my assignments. Usually, I can get most all my assignments done before Saturday. This gives me time to finished up any assignments on Saturday and do some extra credit. This is a great schedule for me and I plan on keeping it. It also works great because I always have Sundays off from work. I usually work through weeknights and Saturday morning.

Learn by H.E.A.R.T

Week 7: Review

Week 7 has been a busy one! Done with midterms and half way there! I also had the chance to finish up my storybook. Don't forget to review and back up all your work!

Check out the class announcements and stay up to date, Check it out.

Just like the bird and the cage. Do the homework to get the grade!

Week 7: Famous Last Words

Half way there! 
It is half way through the semester and midterms are over! I am pleased to say I am relieved. I am also excited that this semester is almost over. I can't wait for summer! It has definitely been an accomplishment to get through midterms. I was studying every day and working hard. I was really glad to finish my midterm paper for one of my classes. I even turned it in early. That's a big accomplishment for me! One of my semester goals this year was to not procrastinate as much has I have in the past. I think I am doing a pretty good job. I am also doing well managing my time. I have been working as well and still getting my work turned in on time. 

In this class, I have finally finished revising my story book. I am excited to continue onto the next story. I look forward to it and hope my readers do as well. Here is a link to check it out if you haven't, Ashlie's Storybook. The introduction was the hardest thing for me to write. It always is in any paper or story. Now I will be able to use other stories to help me. Kira has an adventure waiting here. 

Starting last week I started a competition with my friend. The competition is on the Nike run app. We are trying to run as many miles as we can. As of now I am two miles behind. Don't worry though it won't is for long. I plan on winning. I also plan on getting in shape for summer. I am highly looking forward to all my adventure I have planned. I can't wait to be back in my home mountains! 

Personally Taken, Alaska Basin, Wyoming 

Taken by Cory Helm, Grand Teton National Park

This summer I hope to be in the mountains on a hike every day I have off. I am also excited to get back to work this summer! See my friends from back home and enjoy the summer. 

Half way down and half way to go!